Brad + Rocio | Dallas Family Photography

When your brother and his fiance elope in Dallas, a week before you're scheduled to visit them, you can't help but be a little bummed out that they couldn't wait just a few more days... but then you get over it real quick because you're just so darn happy for them! It's been a long road to get to this point and I'm so proud and impressed by their patience and persistence in cultivating their relationship over the years and over the distance, from Peru to Texas. 

Congratulations Brad and Rocio! Love you both so much!!!!

Rocio, you are so gorgeous! Brad, you aren't completely terrible looking either. ;-)

Never mind the rain, never mind the freezing cold weather, they have their love to keep them warm. Wishing you two all the love in the world and the selflessness to take care of each other always. xo


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