Little Miss Iris

My niece. I don't get to see her nearly as often as I would like and it seems like she simply refuses to stop growing up, much to my dismay. So yes, when she needs a babysitter, this aunty will gladly drive 3 hours and spend two nights away form her husband, in order to get to spend one entire day with Iris. I am so in awe of how funny, expressive, sassy, adorable, and insanely smart she is! She's learning new words every day, adding them to her already extensive vocabulary the way a squirrel gathers nuts for the winter. My favorite word that she says? Aunty. "Auhn-tsch" She first part she says quietly, shyly, and the second syllable is sometimes missing, other times slurred a little much so that it come out "shhhh". But there's no denying what she's saying when she looks directly at me with those big blue eyes. Gets me every. single. time.

She is the most magical little human being and I am completely and utterly under her spell.


  1. That girl's got the fishy face doooownnnn. :P
    xo, nanz

  2. She loves her Aunty! Thank you so much for helping out, you're the best!! XOXOX


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