The Quiet

"It's so quiet here." Micah said to me, "I just love how quiet it is."
I hesitated to agree with here because, well, it's not THAT quiet. "Really? Uh yeah, I guess."
"Yes!" She says emphatically. "It's so quiet because I don't know what everyone is saying."
I laughed a little but then I realized she was right. Without being able to understand all the conversations that happen around me, a walk through a busy city is as quiet as a stroll through a field of wheat. The foreign words being whispered and shouted blend in with the wind and the squeal of brakes, washing over me with no more meaning then the song of a bird or bark of a dog. Without being able to latch onto anyone else's conversations, I'm left alone with my own thoughts and I've discovered that I often narrate a lot of my own life in my own head as if I were writing my biography... and when I'm not doing that, I have random thoughts like these:

I wonder why, when the entire top of the parking garage is empty, that these two cars have to park right next to each other.

 Of all the houses, that orange one in the middle is my favorite.

There are 144 stairs up to our apartment. I counted.

I hope these bolts can hold up.

Sometimes this is all my day consists of: reading and tea. And I am okay with that.

Trains were a really good invention. Also, I love when sunlight paints with shadows.

Our apartment building reminds me of a honeycomb. I wonder what it's like to be a bee.

It's funny how playgrounds need no translation.

I wonder if birds have to translate their chirps when they travel to foreign countries.

 I think cherry blossoms just might be my favorite flower. They are the most perfect color of pink.

 I wasn't expecting oranges to be growing over people's fences here. Apples maybe, but not oranges.

I went on an adventure by myself and was worried I might get lost but then I saw McDonald's and figured that if there is a McDonald's in sight, you can't be too lost. After all, no matter where you are, you're always on earth.

Tsunami warning signs are probably my least favorite things.

I have a picture of a boat in the sand from Peru too. Which reminds me how much I've gotten to travel. Which is pretty awesome.

I should probably get a bike.

 Why isn't this sign smiling? If you're going to make a sign have a face, shouldn't it always be smiling???

I have a lot more pictures and words to share but they're all jumbled up inside my camera and my head. So I'll just let these random photographs and thoughts be all for now...


  1. These all made me smile. :) You have thoughts like I do when I wander around. Thanks for sharing!


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