A Photograph Never Forgets

One day, hopefully a day far from now... but perhaps sooner then you think, your memory will start to fade. You won't be able to recall times and places with the speed and ease that you do now. Names of people and cities will become scrambled and interchangeable. Details of this birthday or that party will fade away with each recollection until soon, you can't quite remember those once precious memories at all. 

But a photograph never forgets.

And so I ask you again, please, to click the shutter on whatever camera you have. Snap that snapshot, capture that moment, freeze it forever in those precious photographs. Don't turn away from the camera, don't hold up your hand, roll your eyes, or make an angry face. Smile. And let your own self be captured and preserved so that your future self might have something to remember their past self by. Because these photographs are the guardians of your memories, long after the time when you have let so many memories slip away from you, they will always stay in the print you've made. These photographs will keep all the places you have gone, all the people you have known, all the life you have lived, safe. And when you look at them one day, a day far from now but sooner then you thought, these photographs may just bring back some of those memories for you...

Marsden, age 92 and a half, looking through some memories...

I love when a photograph can bring a smile to someone's face. 

I spent the Thursday afternoon chatting with Mars about his 80-acre tree farm in Newberg. Somethings he had forgotten, some things the photos remembered for him. 


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